Her Innocence

Her Innocence

Author: Michelle Sutton
Publisher: Desert Breeze Publishing, Inc.
Publication Year: 2013

Taylor Lucero was blessed with better-than-average looks. In fact, she's gorgeous. Until they know her, people don't realize she has intellectual challenges. Most ignore her, except for the guys lacking integrity. They see a young woman who will fall for their lies. Taylor is stubborn, though, and d...

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About the Book

Taylor Lucero was blessed with better-than-average looks. In fact, she’s gorgeous. Until they know her, people don’t realize she has intellectual challenges. Most ignore her, except for the guys lacking integrity. They see a young woman who will fall for their lies. Taylor is stubborn, though, and doesn’t understand that men sometimes have less-than-stellar motives for wanting to date her.

Mike Johnson is a college freshman. He meets a beautiful girl while flying to Tucson to enroll in college and wonders what will become of her because she’s so vulnerable. They run into each other again, and out of concern for her safety, they become friends. He hopes dating will keep the predators away. He doesn’t know any other way to protect her innocence. When they fall in love, tragedy strikes. Mike’s response causes his family to shun him, but his unconditional love is what she needs to heal.

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