Nuvinci Not Shifting

  1. A likely cause of the problem may be low cable tension. To check for this, examine the cable tension at the grip shifter on the left side of the handlebar. If the tension is low, then the shifter cables need to be tightened.
    • To resolve this problem, remove the cable slack at the grip shifter using the black knurled adjusters.  Complete setup instructions for your Nuvinci shifter can be found at the Fallbrooks Technologies website.  A link to the document is provided here.
  2. If that is not the case, then the cause of the problem could be disconnected shifter cables.  Make sure the shifting cables coming out of the Nuvinci grip shifter are attached to the shifter interface at the Nuvinci hub. The Nuvinci hub is the smaller of the two black cylindrical drums located underneath the floorboards of your ELF.  The two shifting cables should be firmly attached to the hub at the interface mentioned above.
    • If this is not the case, then your vehicle may have lost a cable end. Purchase and replace the cable end.  In the event of losing a cable end, the cables themselves become damaged.  If it is determined that your cables have been damaged, then purchase and replace the cables.
  3. If none of the above steps yield a solution, then the hub itself may be malfunctioning.